Top 10 Reasons why your Business should use Internet Marketing

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1. Internet Marketing and SEO strategies are the only form of marketing that can put your business, product or service in front of your targeted market and prospective customers who are actively seeking exactly what your company has to offer. It allows a more Rifle approach to gain access to those customers who need your Product and service. One of the primary reasons for beginning an Internet Marketing campaign is to increase product and service awareness. As potential customers are browsing the web or performing internet searches, consumers may come across the business name or logo and become interested in what the company has to offer. Your Website then becomes the vehicle to convert visitors into paying customers.

2. If you don’t engage in internet marketing your competition will and you will be left behind. It is your choice to be found online and if you don’t your Competitor will be the one being found.

3. According to Google 95% of all searches for Products and services are starting online first. This is a big shift in consumer behavior. 755 of these searches stay only the first page. 50% of those people do not check anything else but the first two listings. In the eyes of the consumer these are the companies that are considered the authority.

4. According to Kelsey Group 70% of people use a local search to find a business. If you’re a local business, don’t assume everyone knows about your business. People are mobile and move into your local community every year. Do you think they know about your business? Don’t assume they do.

5. Brand Awareness and increase visibility is important. The use of Social Media is the new form of PR. It’s is the vehicle consumers use to see what your business is doing as it relates to Brand awareness and your companies Community involvement. Using Social Media will generate Referral-generated customers resulting in the least expensive and most profitable and loyal source of new business you can ge

6. A compelling Website combined with Search Engine Optimization is your quickest path to ROI. Your website and Web Marketing applying SEO Optimization strategies works for you 24/7 365 days a year’s vs. traditional ads on the Radio, Newspaper, TV and Billboards are time sensitive. It your salesperson 24/7 and it never takes a vacation.

7. Pay per Click Advertising is a great way to target market your Companies products and or services. However, be aware Organic search engine results are 85% of all end users clicks, as opposed to only 15% for sponsored ads, like Pay per Click (PPC). Why, because people don’t trust ads. It’s just human nature.

8. The tool of choice to solving our unanswered questions, finding a product or service is done through the help of an internet search engine like Google. Nearly 250 million searches are performed per day on Google alone. This number is expanding exponentially do to the onset of Smart phones with 3G and 4G capabilities.

9. The consistent use of articles, online Press Releases, Blogs and Articles and Social Media with Targeted ad campaigns as a marketing strategy will undoubtedly drive traffic to a business’s website. The more people who visit the website, the better the likelihood of closing more sales and generating more interest in the product becomes.

10. When was the last time you looked at Yellow pages. Internet Marketing is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertisement. The costs associated with starting a website, and then, using marketing articles or Social Media to establish an online presence is minimal when compared to the costs of traditional forms of advertising.

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